Additional Personal Statement Tips

With regards to your personal statement you must include the following;

Interests e.g. swimming
Shows you keep fit and have a work/life balance
Experience (Work/Life)
Shows any transferrable skills
Strengths & Weaknesses
With any weaknesses you must turn it into a positive i.e. what you are doing about it
Understanding of the role (e.g. Nurse)
Why should you be chosen? Why do you want this career? Research the role!
Academic Achievements
(Link skills to what you have learnt)
E.g. Access course. Do not only put what you did, but include what you learnt!

You must NOT include:

- Personal Details

- Specific University Names. For example, “I’m applying to [Name of University] because… All uni’s will see your PS. Unless you are applying to only one university, as I did. (I actually did include this).

- Qualifications

- Colloquial Language

Remember your attention to detail. Include strengths in time management and mention anything that proves you are open to change.

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